Sunday, July 7, 2013

From his Diaries..


Its quarter past two,
I’m waking wit a woe.
Neither d moon is new..
Nor the clouds tryin'a move.
Was it a dream or some thoughts, do i've to know..?
......lost n!!.. a deja-vu??
Cuddled in your memories..being perplexed
The only thing I do.. is to miss you!!
                                                                    Aditya couldn't believe he wrote it in the mid-night when he found this scribbled sheet besides when he woke up in the morning. It was a Sunday, he smiled on whatever he read and hide his head below the pillow to eke out some more sleep.

                                      --(An hour later)--

                                            Had he not cleaned his rack in his room, he couldn't find the diary which he himself hid long before.

"It’s too hard to write now,
                           I give up.
 Everything out there is so dolor..
 It hurts yet more without u..  
                        ..I give up"
                                                   -The last page read.

                                                It was the last thing he wrote in his diary which once used to be, and now a dusty book hidden under the sands of time.
He remembered the last letter he received from her then.. 

                           Dear Adi,
                           Your love for me, its so true..
                           so deep n dear, as selfless as u.
                           Life would be delight if i had been with u..
                           but the time is less n the days are few.
                           Learn not to miss me much as time passes by..
                           though not easy for me i need to say.. Good bye.
                           With love,

                                             She was a beautiful girl, Priya. She loved him more than anything... perhaps more than life. He knows it takes a lifetime to digest her absence in his life. But he says he never miss her now.. He finds her instead, in every deed he does and every smile he sees around. He says love is not a worldly thing to die for... it’s her and her memories to live for. 

It was now after a long time did he write in his diary yet again..

                     "Love is selfless, love is to give,
                     Neither to own the person nor to glue to.
                     It's beyond it... above all
                     Love is to live for and Love is to give.
                     Never do I weep and never do I frown..
                     It’s your love tat bring the smiles since I'm never alone                      Priya.. Never do i miss you.. for i always find u.

P.S.- To the everlasting love. :).                                                             


  1. Anonymous07 July

    Though I didnt understand many words it touched my heart.. Full on..!!!


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